Sleep Apnea Treatment

Walnut Creek, CA

Do you have trouble getting a good night’s sleep? Do you find that you often wake up tired and suffer from headaches as a result? Sleep deprivation or lack of restful sleep is no joke. It can lead to serious issues such as:

  • Depression
  • Memory issues
  • Trouble concentrating and thinking properly
  • A weakened immune system
  • High blood pressure
  • Risk of diabetes or heart disease
  • Weight gain
  • Poor balance

If you’re not sure what the problem is, sleep apnea may be the culprit. Treatments such as oral appliance therapy in Walnut Creek, CA can be an effective treatment option to help you get back to sleeping soundly.


Sleep apnea is a dangerous disorder caused by a person’s breathing being interrupted repeatedly while they sleep. This can lead to the brain and the rest of the body not getting enough oxygen throughout the night. There are two different types of sleep apnea:

  • Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), is the more common form of the sleep disorder. It happens as a result of the airway being blocked, usually as a result of the soft tissue in the back of the throat collapsing while a person sleeps.
  • Central sleep apnea occurs when the brain does not signal the muscles to breathe as a result of respiratory control center instability.


While sleep apnea can affect people of all ages, risk factors go up for people who:

  • Are male
  • Are overweight
  • Have large tonsils, a small jaw bone, or a large tongue
  • Have a family history of sleep apnea
  • Are over age 40
  • Have nasal obstruction due to allergies, a deviated septum, or sinus issues

Signs that you may be suffering from sleep apnea include:

  • Loud snoring
  • Long periods of time without breathing
  • Gasping for air during sleep
  • Waking up with a dry mouth
  • Headaches in the morning
  • Insomnia
  • Excessive sleepiness during the day
  • Difficulty paying attention

With proper treatment, trouble sleeping will be a thing of the past.


Effective management of sleep apnea is crucial for improving your quality of life and health. One of the most accessible treatments is oral appliance therapy, which involves wearing a custom-fitted device similar to a mouthguard during sleep. This device helps to keep the airway open by slightly advancing the jaw or holding the tongue in position, thereby reducing airway obstruction. Additionally, lifestyle changes such as weight management, quitting smoking, and altering sleep positions can significantly enhance treatment outcomes. For severe cases, Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machines or surgery might be recommended. Each treatment plan is tailored to fit individual needs based on the severity of the symptoms and the type of sleep apnea diagnosed.


Dentists play a pivotal role in the treatment of sleep apnea, especially in the management of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) through oral appliance therapy. During a consultation, a dentist trained in sleep medicine will evaluate your condition, discuss symptoms, and may recommend a sleep study to confirm the diagnosis. Following this, they can provide a custom-made oral appliance designed for comfort and effectiveness. Regular follow-up visits are essential to ensure the appliance is working correctly and to make any necessary adjustments.


In conjunction with professional medical treatment, certain home remedies and lifestyle changes can aid in managing symptoms of sleep apnea. Maintaining a healthy weight, avoiding alcohol and sleeping pills, and managing allergies can help reduce episodes. Additionally, sleeping on your side instead of your back and using nasal decongestants or allergy medications can alleviate some symptoms. Establishing a regular sleep schedule and ensuring a comfortable sleep environment are also beneficial practices that promote restful sleep. These integrative approaches can significantly contribute to the overall effectiveness of sleep apnea treatment, leading to better sleep and improved health.

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