General Dentistry

Walnut Creek, CA

Keep Your Family’s Oral Health On Track

Establishing strong oral hygiene routines and finding a skilled family dentist for long term care are crucial parts of maintaining good dental habits.

By being proactive rather than reactive with your dental care, you’ll be able to avoid costly, time-consuming, corrective procedures in the future.

The Ivory Dental Aesthetics team is here to ensure that you and your family have the tools you need in Walnut Creek, CA to keep your teeth healthy and beautiful.

Comprehensive Exams

One of the first steps in a comprehensive exam is an evaluation of your current oral health. Your dental health specialist will review your medical history, address any concerns you may have, and ask for more information regarding your background and diet. An assessment will then be done to learn about your overall dental health, oral hygiene, and if you’re at risk for tooth decay, gum disease, or bone disease. A cavity check, restoration examination, a medication review, and an interview with the doctor may also be part of the exam.

Oral Cancer Screenings

Oral cancer screenings are performed by a medical professional to look for signs of cancer in the mouth and throat. Early detection of these signs can improve your treatment options. The Oral Cancer Foundation recommends being screened for oral cancer annually starting around age 18. For individuals who use tobacco products, screenings should start as soon as product use begins. Screenings are generally quick, painless, and non-invasive.

X-Rays: Digital

Digital x-rays, also called digital radiography, is a type of imaging that uses sensors in place of traditional photographic x-ray film. This results in the production of enhanced computer images of a patient’s gums, teeth, and other oral structures. These images can be acquired through direct, indirect, or semi-indirect methods and can help your dentist identify issues with or near the teeth.


Dental or oral hygiene is an important part of keeping your teeth and surrounding structures healthy and preventing or treating oral diseases. Dental hygiene involves brushing your teeth twice a day for two minutes each time, flossing once per day, and regularly having your teeth thoroughly cleaned by a professional to keep your mouth healthy and functioning properly.

Periodontal Therapy

Gum disease, also called periodontal disease, impacts the majority of American adults ages 35 and up. Untreated, it can have serious negative effects on your overall oral health. Some of the warning signs of gum disease include:

  • Gums that are swollen, tender, red, or bleed easily
  • Chronic bad breath
  • Teeth and gums that are excessively sensitive
  • Teeth that feel loose or unstable

Fluoride Treatments

Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral that strengthens teeth by rebuilding enamel. It can help reverse signs of tooth decay and is found naturally in small amounts in drinking water. People who are at higher risk for tooth decay are good candidates for fluoride treatments. Professional fluoride treatments can generally be completed in just a few minutes and can help keep your smile strong and healthy.


Mouthguards are dental appliances that help protect your teeth and jaw from damage as a result of injuries to the face, tooth grinding, or similar issues. When used during sports, they can help lower the risk of mouth-related injuries. Mouthguards can also protect your teeth from becoming chipped, broken, or even falling out as a result of facial trauma.


Anesthesia is a medical technique that numbs pain or causes the patient to better handle some of the more uncomfortable treatments. It can be helpful in patients with dental anxiety or for extensive treatments. There are four types of anesthesia offered at Ivory Dental Aesthetics:

  • Local anesthesia is injected under the skin of the surgical site.
  • General anesthesia causes temporary unconsciousness and is inhaled through a mask.
  • Regional anesthesia is used to numb a specific area of the body.
  • Oral conscious sedation for those patients with longer treatment sessions and higher anxiety.

Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that results from a person’s breathing being interrupted repeatedly as they sleep. It can result in the functions of the brain and other parts of the body being impeded by inadequate oxygen reception. With proper medical treatment, sleep apnea issues can be alleviated and you’ll soon be able to rest more peacefully at night.

Emergency Care

When dental emergencies strike, Dr. Patel and the rest of the Ivory Dental Aesthetics team will be here for you. We do our part to ensure that our Walnut Creek patients are well cared for and that they know we’re here for them. We do our best to attend to emergencies as soon as possible so you can return to living your life to the fullest. In cases of intense pain or dental trauma, call 911 for immediate assistance.


At Ivory Dental Aesthetics, we use high-tech machines to improve efficiency and your overall experience in our office. The iTero scanners we use can produce 3D images of a patient’s teeth and surrounding tissue. We also use intraoral cameras to show you the interior of your mouth rather than using a mirror. This technology provides a quicker, more practical approach to patient care.

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